Saturday 01 May - 70 Burpees, 60 Sit Ups, 50 KB Swings, 40 PullUps, 30 HandStand Push Ups

What?? The same WOD as 2 days ago but in reverse? When you vary all the time then not varied is variance....if you know what I mean

Friday 30 Apr - CrossFit Darwin Rest Day

I am thinking of running 2 sessions a day. Please let me know at comments if you would be most likely to go to 5-6 am, 6-7 pm or 7-8 pm.

Thursday 29 Apr - Press 1-1-1-1-1-1-1, Push Press 3-3-3-3-3, Push Jerk 5-5-5

Lets put those new squat racks to use by pushing some weight over head tomorrow.
Thanks for the 'not quite the big ass fan' Kell and Jay - great addition to the box!!

Tuesday 27 Apr - 50 Wall Ball(WB), 10 Pull Ups(PU), 10 Ring Dips(RD), 40WB, 8 PU, 8 RD, 30 WB, 6 PU, 6RD, 20WB, 4PU, 4RD, 10WB, 2PU, 2RD

Start them training in functional fitness early and they will never waste a second of their lives doing a bicep curl!!

Monday 26 April - 5 Rnds - 20 Double Unders, 15 Knees to Elbows, 10m Weighted Overhead Walk

The new CrossFit Darwin floor

Sunday 25 April - CrossFit Darwin Rest Day

"The Cove", Australian Camp, Baghdad, Iraq, 2009

Saturday 24 April - 3 Rnds - 15 Hang Power Cleans, 15 Burpees

Just a reminder that Saturday mornings WOD is a small donation to Legacy.
Cleans and Burpees - my two favourites!!

Friday 23 April - CrossFit Darwin Rest Day

WOW! What an awesome 'Helen' from everyone tonight. You guys rocked!! It is so good to watch you all getting stronger every week

Thursday 22 Apr - "Helen" - 3 Rnds - 400m Run, 21 KB Swing, 12 Pull Up

I am getting CF Darwin T Shirts and Singlets designed tomorrow - What colours do you guys want them to be? I was thinking white with black writing so they stand out but I am open to suggestions. Let me know by clicking on the comments tab below.

Tuesday 20 Apr - 3 Rnds - 30m Walking Lunge, 50 Squats, 25 Back Extensions

This Saturdays WOD will be in support of Legacy as it is the day before ANZAC Day. Please click on the link on the right hand side of the CF Darwin home page for the flyer.

Monday 18 Apr - 12min AMRAP - 3 Pull Ups, 50m Sprint, 3 HandStand Push Ups

Chris and Hannah encouraging Katrina to do '1 more'.
The Handstand Push Ups will be done in the Power Bands, with a partner to assist with the set up of your position. This is going to be a fun one!!

Sunday 18 Apr - CrossFit Darwin Rest Day

Aaron doing his favourite stretch!
Rest up tomorrow ready to get stronger and faster next week.

Saturday 17 Apr - "Filthy Fifties"

Box Jumps, Jumping Pull Ups, Kettle-Bell Swings, Walking Lunge, Knees to Elbows, Push Press, Back Extensions, Wall Balls, Burpees, Double Unders
We will work out weights, heights and reps for each person before the WOD.
This WOD is a great start to the weekend. Don't miss out on this one!!

Friday 16 Apr - CrossFit Darwin Rest Day

Kell strong on the Turkish Get Ups - great form there!
I think the skills session tonight was one of the best sessions we have had - we have a few more exercises to practice now - and that is all it is, plenty of PRACTICE!
Everyone needs to rest up tomorrow so we can hit Saturdays WOD hard!!

Thursday 15 Apr - Skills Session

We will learn a few new exercises tomorrow for an 'active recovery' session. This will include Turkish Get Ups, 1 Legged Squats and Muscle Up Progressions to name a few. You have all worked hard the last few days and have earned the rest!!

Wednesday 14 Mar - 12 Min AMRAP - Run 200m, 7 Ring Dip, 7 KB Swing.

First WOD at the new CFD box was a great success!! Thanks Fran, you were awesome! Now we have a benchmark - next time will be heavier, faster and use a lighter band!

AMRAP is As Many Rounds As Possible. Dips will be done in the bands so we get full range.

Tuesday 13 Apr - "Fran" 21, 15, 9. Thruster, PullUp

***WOD's will be at Unit 5, 34 Bishop Street, Woolner from now on. ***

The Rx'd (prescribed) weight for the Thruster is 45kg for males and 30kg for females.
We will scale everyone to a weight that is challenging for the number of reps required.
Pull Ups will be done in power assist bands. This allows for full range of movement and enables you to achieve the number of reps required for this WOD.
This is our first 'benchmark WOD'. You will soon be able to answer the question "What's your Fran time?"
See you all at the new CrossFit Darwin box, 6pm.

Monday 12 Apr - "DT" 5 Rounds - 12 Deadlift, 9 Hang Power Clean, 6 Push Jerk

Katrina and Bruce finished Fundamentals on the weekend and are looking forward to joining the main group on Monday!

The bar use for "DT" will be the same weight for all 3 exercises. The weight you use will be approx 50% of your 1 rep max for a Clean.

Sunday 11 Apr - CrossFit Darwin Rest Day

The CrossFit Darwin Box with Pull Up Station - and a freshly painted floor!
Mondays WOD will be at Kahlin Oval. There is still work to be done at 34 Bishop Street!

Saturday 10 Apr - WOD CANCELLED

Apologies to all those who were keen for a Saturday morning session but I have to cancel.
The Pull Up Station is being delivered to the Bishop Street Box tomorrow morning and I have to be there for that.
If you are keen to check out the CrossFit Darwin Box I will be there from 9-11am Saturday morning.
Unit 5 34 Bishop Street Woolner

Friday 09 Apr - CrossFit Darwin Rest Day

Lots of running this week! Enjoy the rest day everyone.

Thursday 08 Apr - 500m Run, 150 Double Unders, 50 Burpees

Rich sets to Snatch 40kg
The Snatch is a perfect example of moving heavy loads, long distances, quickly. From ground to overhead in one powerful move.
Great work on the overhead squats, everyone improved their technique as the sets progressed.
GOOD LUCK in Melbourne with your AFL team Rhi. Go Army!!!

Wednesday 07 Apr - 5 x 5 OverHead Squat

Connie and Steve, solid on the KB Presses.
For the 5x5 OH Squat we will find a weight we can squat 5 times without resting but still maintain perfect form.

Tue 06 Mar 10-1 Kettlebell Clean and Press, 1-10 Burpee, alternating the exercises

Great running tonight, it's hard work on the power absorbing soft ground.
Tomorrows WOD goes like this 10 Clean & Press, 1 Burpee, 9 Clean & Press, 2 Burpees and so on until you get to 1 Clean & Press and 10 Burpees.
Remember it is Mechanics, Consistency and Intensity, in that order, so the weights will not be heavy as this is the first time we have cleaned and pressed a kettlebell.

Monday 05 Apr - Run 1600m, Rest 3 min, Run 1200m, Rest 2 min, Run 800m, Rest 1 min, Run 400m

Jay gets under the bar for the Push Jerk during Fundamentals on the weekend.

After a day of resting and eating chocolate eggs it is time for Monday interval training!

Sunday 04 Mar - CrossFit Darwin Rest Day

Great to have Jo from CrossFit Brisbane and Michael from CrossFit Territory visiting this morning. Jo set the standard for the Squat and Michael showed us what intensity is all about! Thanks guys, hope you both visit again soon!
Enjoy your Easter Rest Day everyone and see you all Monday 6pm. Read "Survival of the Fittest".

Saturday 03 Apr - Tabata Something Else

Complete 32 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest.
The first 8 intervals are Pull-Ups, the second 8 are Push-Ups, the third 8 intervals are Sit-Ups, and finally, the last 8 intervals are Squats.
There is no rest between exercises.

We will practice Dead Lifts before the WOD, 3 sets of 5 reps
See you all in the park at 8am. We have bands to assist with Pull Ups. This is a fun WOD!!

Friday 02 Apr - CrossFit Darwin Rest Day

Steve working the Double Under
Use the Rest Day to train a weakness or practice a new skill you have been taught this week.
Don't forget Saturday morning 8am Kahlin Oval for a WOD.