Saturday 03 Apr - Tabata Something Else

Complete 32 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest.
The first 8 intervals are Pull-Ups, the second 8 are Push-Ups, the third 8 intervals are Sit-Ups, and finally, the last 8 intervals are Squats.
There is no rest between exercises.

We will practice Dead Lifts before the WOD, 3 sets of 5 reps
See you all in the park at 8am. We have bands to assist with Pull Ups. This is a fun WOD!!

1 comment:

  1. WOW!! What a great morning in the park!

    Michael - 345 rx'd
    Andrew - 348 (red band)
    Jo - 298 (red band)
    Connie - 402 (blue band)
    Rhi - 358 (blue band)
    Kell - 277 (blue band)

    Also really good work on the fundamentals Jay - great squats!!

    Next WOD is Monday 6pm Kahlin Oval.


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