Thursday 08 Apr - 500m Run, 150 Double Unders, 50 Burpees

Rich sets to Snatch 40kg
The Snatch is a perfect example of moving heavy loads, long distances, quickly. From ground to overhead in one powerful move.
Great work on the overhead squats, everyone improved their technique as the sets progressed.
GOOD LUCK in Melbourne with your AFL team Rhi. Go Army!!!


  1. Run 500m, 150 Double Unders, 50 Burpees

    Steve - 9:52
    Rich - 11:03
    Kell - 11:08
    Jay - 11:13
    Carmen - 11:41
    Paul - 11:49
    Connie - 12:54

    Cracking times! Amazing effort from all tonight!

  2. So much for my new $20 skipping rope - I got more tangles than a plate of spaghetti (that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!! LOL) ;-)

  3. In Singapore, just checked out the hotel gym. Running machine - check, skipping rope - check, floor space for burpees - check. Will hit this WOD in the morning.

  4. I saw Paul tangle that rope on purpose before we started Haha. Stomach muscles a bit sore today though..


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