Wednesday 14 Mar - 12 Min AMRAP - Run 200m, 7 Ring Dip, 7 KB Swing.

First WOD at the new CFD box was a great success!! Thanks Fran, you were awesome! Now we have a benchmark - next time will be heavier, faster and use a lighter band!

AMRAP is As Many Rounds As Possible. Dips will be done in the bands so we get full range.


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  2. 12 Min AMRAP:

    Luke: Completed 7 rounds, 16.7kg KB, full bench dips - no band.

    Carmen: Completed 6 rounds plus 100m, 16.7kg KB, bench dips (with jump assisted to the top position ~ does that make sense??) - no band.

    Kelly please don't do this one again in a hurry :)

  3. Nice Carmen and Luke - yes, the jump makes perfect sense - I do the jump too!

  4. From the box.....

    Rich 7 Rnds (20kg,yellow band)
    Paul 8 Rnds (20kg,red band)
    Steve 7 Rnds +run +swings +3dips (20kg,red band)
    Bruce 7 Rnds (20kg,red band)
    Jay 7 Rnds +run (12kg,red band)
    Connie 7 Rnds +7swings (12kg,red band)

    Great intensity tonight from everyone - I did not see anyone resting!!

  5. Carmen - I don't get the jump.....

    Me yeserday - "DT" 55kg - forgot to start the timer but I couldn't lift my water glass to my mouth without spilling it at dinner, my forearms were killing me!!
    Sitting at Singapore airport for 8 hours now waiting for the plane back to Darwin, going find a nice quiet place to do some training, im sooooo bored!!

  6. Hey Kel I want to bring Katrina in on Sat for a look, what does she need to do regarding fundamentals?

  7. Hi Chris - on Saturday we can talk fundamentals and organise a time and place that suits you and Katrina.


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