Tuesday 01 Jun -"Arnie" 21 TGUs - Right Arm, 50 Swings, 21 OHS - Left Arm, 50 Swings, 21 OHS - Right Arm, 50 Swings, 21 TGU's Left Arm

From the archives Kel demonstrates a text book Turkish Get Up (TGU)
An OHS is an Over Head Squat, only this time it is with a Kettle Bell, not the Bar.
Turkish Get Up ? What the hell ?

Sunday 30 May - CrossFit Darwin Rest Day

mmm they look good enough to eat, a shame they aren't Paleo... now go and rest or read the CrossFit Journal before I give you a WOD to do. Or if you did not feel the Tabata love yesterday then you are to today!

Saturday 29 May - Tabata Something Else

The CrossFit Pyramid shows activities in order of emphasis, time expended and resources required. From what we have done so far this should ring true, we spend more time strength and conditioning (Angie/Fran) than we do Olympic lifting (7x 1 clean and jerk). So when you can't get to CrossFit Darwin, or don't have equipment then generally we should focus at the bottom of the pile. First and foremost eat right, then, if you can, do some strength and conditioning training like; Tabata something else:

1 round Tabata Squats (20 seconds work/10 seconds rest/ 8 rounds/total time 4 minutes)
run 400m
1 round Tabata Pushups (20 seconds work/10 seconds rest/ 8 rounds/total time 4 minutes)
run 400m
1 round Tabata Situps (20 seconds work/10 seconds rest/ 8 rounds/total time 4 minutes)
run 400
1 round Tabata Burpees (20 seconds work/10 seconds rest/ 8 rounds/total time 4 minutes)

Friday 28 May - CrossFit Darwin Rest Day

See, we are not the only ones practicing handstands - everyone is doing it!!
CrossFit Darwin is CLOSED SATURDAY while I am in NZ. I will be posting a WOD you can all do at home, the park or the beach so no-one misses out!

Thursday 27th May - 3 Rounds - 60sec L Sit, 30 GoodMornings, 60 SitUps, 30 BackExtensions

Nice work on Fran, it doesn't get any more CrossFit than her.

Wednesday 26 May - "Fran" 21-15-9 Thruster(45/30), PullUp

Dazed survivors from J.T pondering the near impossibility of a few lazy push ups!
It has been 6 weeks since we busted out a 'Fran'. Compare to

Tuesday 25 May - 5-5-5-5-5 Back Squat

A reminder there will be no WOD at CFD this Saturday. I am off to MaD CrossFit in Wellington, NZ to compete in an Olympic Lifting Competition. Also, if any one is having dramas with the payment system let me know before the WOD and we can look at it there and then.

Monday 24 May - "J.T" 21-15-9 HandStand PushUps, Ring Dips, PushUps

Huge thanks to all those who have already selected a CF Darwin membership, to clarify, regardless of when you sign up for your membership it won't go active until 31 May 10. ie. there is no point hanging on until 30 May 10 to sign up.... don't be late though...overdue fees are paid in Burpees !

Sunday 23 May - CrossFit Darwin Rest Day

Jay linked 3 Kipping Pull Ups, Paula got her first Double Under and a few people did Handstand Push Ups for the first time ever AND we had Kate and Kerry visit from Geelong - great morning!!

Saturday 22 May - 20 Shoulder to Overhead (60kg/40kg), 40 Burpees

CrossFit develops General Physical Preparedness (GPP). The biggest gains in GPP are made by working on your weaknesses. Before the WOD we will work on Kipping, Double Unders and Handstand Push Ups. Need proof - read Ian's post from yesterday !

Friday 21 May - CrossFit Darwin Rest Day

It has been a big week at CrossFit Darwin - a lot of sore legs out there! Use tomorrow to rest, roll and recover.

Thursday 20 May - 5-5-5-5-5 OverHead Squat, then... death by 10m cone run!

I am really enjoying hearing about peoples experiences with paleo so far . Higher energy levels already - and that is after 3 days! If you have not started the challenge what are you waiting for?

Wednesday 19 May - "Annie" 50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders & Sit Ups

If you do not have Double Unders yet then it is 3 Single Skips for every Double Under.
Another Benchmark WOD - the wall of fame will be fully populated in no time!

Tuesday 18 May - Clean and Jerk - 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

A much better start to the day than a bowl of cereal.
Great Paleo/Zone/Nutrition discussions at the box tonight - a 6 week trial, it is all I ask!

Monday 17 May - "Karen" - 150 Wall Balls

A reminder there are now two sessions at Crossfit Darwin Mon-Thur, 6-7pm and 7-8pm.
Did everyone shop paleo this weekend and stock the fridge with real food for the 6 week trial? No sugar, processed foods or refined carbohydrates for 6 weeks? Easy!

Sunday 16 May - CrossFit Darwin Rest Day

As of Monday CrossFit Darwin will also have a 7pm-8pm session, Mon - Thur. Saturday morning is still 8-9:30am. It's up to you guys if you do the 6pm or the 7pm session, it will be the same WOD.

Saturday 15 May - "Eva" - 5 Rounds - Run 800m, 30 KB Swings (32/24), 30 Pull Ups

The Scale for Eva will be "Half Eva"- 5 Rnds - 400m Run, 15 KB Swing and 15 Pull Ups.
Paleo Picnic this Saturday, Fannie Bay, great introduction to eating real food!

Friday 14 May - CrossFit Darwin Rest Day

A reminder for those who are interested we are getting together for a 'Paleo Picnic' 5:30pm this Saturday at Fannie Bay. The link with all the info is on the right hand side of the home screen, under the information heading. Bring friends, family, dogs, beers and Paleo food if you like. (Yes, yes I know beer isn't a Paleo food)

Thursday 13 May - 5 Rounds - 5 Muscle Ups, 10 Power Cleans (60/40), Run 220m

The substitute for Muscle Ups is Pull Ups and Rings Dips or Muscle Up Progressions

Wednesday 12 May - "Helen" - 3 Rnds - 400m Run, 21 Kettlebell Swings 24kg/16kg, 12 Pull Up

The Paleo Challenge kicks of this Saturday night with a Paleo Picnic. Click here for more info.

Monday 10 May - "CrossFit Total" - BackSquat 1 Rep, Shoulder Press 1 Rep, Deadlift 1 Rep

Competing against Australia and New Zealands fittest women this weekend!!

Sunday 09 May - CrossFit Darwin Rest Day

Brendan Southwick from CrossFit Territory doing 60kg Over Head Squats at The 2010 CrossFit Games Australasian Regionals today

Saturday 08 May 10 - Weekend WOD's

If you are having WOD withdrawals over the weekend here are two workouts to keep you occupied.
1. 4 Rnds for time, 50 squats, run 400m.
2. For time: 21-15-9 Handstand Pushups and Burpees. If you can't do Handstand Push Ups then scale to 2 second Handstand Against The Wall Holds or do Normal Push Ups.

If none of the above appeals then do some foam rolling, take out a subscription to the CrossFit Journal and drink lots of water!

Friday 07 May - CrossFit Darwin Rest Day

A reminder that there will be No Saturday Morning WOD this week. I will keep you all posted on how I am going at the regionals - my aim is to survive!!

Thursday 06 May - 5 Rnds - 5 DeadLifts, 5 Hang Cleans, 5 PushPress, 5 Front Squat

Leneice and Paula after finishing fundamentals tonight

Wednesday 05 May - "Barbara" - 5 Rnds - 20 Pull Ups, 30 Push Ups, 40 Sit Ups, 50 Squats. 3 minutes rest between each round

The CrossFit Darwin T-Shirts are almost ready - just in time for us to wear them when we all run the Darwin City to Surf in June!!

Tuesday 05 May - 5k Run

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We will meet at The Cool Spot Cafe at 6pm. We will all run the same course along The Fannie Bay Foreshore Track. This is a self paced run, we will all meet up again at the finish line and get our times recorded. Remember top 3 fastest male and female will be the first to get their names up on the Benchmark Wall of Fame

Monday 03 May - 21-15-9 - Snatch & Chest to Bar Pull Ups

Matt Swift, owner of CrossFit Brisbane, getting chest to bar.
Tuesdays WOD will be at Fannie Bay - more details on tomorrows post.

Sunday 02 May - CrossFit Darwin Rest Day

So after our chat today on nutrition I was thinking of starting up a 'paleo challenge'. Who would be willing to eat only 'real food' for 6 weeks? Let me know if you are keen and I will come up with a solid plan for it.