Wednesday 19 May - "Annie" 50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders & Sit Ups

If you do not have Double Unders yet then it is 3 Single Skips for every Double Under.
Another Benchmark WOD - the wall of fame will be fully populated in no time!


  1. Connie 10 Rounds
    10 Pushups
    10 Situps
    10 Squats
    12 Minutes
    Thanks Kelly ;)

  2. Sorry guys. I am going to struggle to be there due to work. If I managed to join in that will be awesome, if not then I am hitting it hard on Monday.

  3. To make up for my lacking absence of late, I wrote a huge rap on my facebook status after I got home...yes facebook the mother of all evil, but I had to make up somehow!

  4. Kel- 17:28

    Jay - 13:28

    P.S- This Paleo challenge has ruined my love of Farmer Union Ice Coffee... Thought I would treat myself tonight... I couldn't finish it as it tasted like BUM!!

  5. 10:26 BUT did 450 single-skips instead of 150 double-unders!(Sounds more RX than RX to me LOL)

    Re above: Kel/Jay - What does BUM taste like then? (Don't say Farmer Union Ice coffee);)

  6. 13:24 Rxd. Yeh thats the first thing I have been able to finish properly. Missing some skin on my bum from the sit ups though.

  7. Leneice - 14:48 Rxd. OMG Annie....

  8. Stu: 9:05
    Cazz: 9:36
    Carmen: 9:17

    No DUs...450 skips instead.

  9. 09.46 with 450 single skips instead of the doubles


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