Monday 12 Jul - 5 Rnds - 15 Thruster (60/40), Run 400m

Katrina M got a 90kg DeadLift at Open Gym, that's a PR by 30kg!!


  1. Im back! That was the last jungle exercise of the trip!
    1st WOD back - 15km pack march with the 2IC,ouch! This afternoon,
    start every round on the 2 minute
    10 KB swing - 24kg
    100m run
    10 Push up
    10 rounds. total 20 mins.
    Have fun in America Kel, the Crossfit games will be awsome to watch!

  2. Welcome back from the jungle Chris!! I love a 15k pack march - will miss them - maybe CFD could do one?? Love your 20min WOD - where did you find that one? Or did you make it up?

  3. 22 lbs 5 rounds 15thrusters / 400 m run


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