Tuesday 14 Sep - '7's' - 7 Rnds - 7 HandStand PushUp, 7 Thruster (30/40), 7 Knees To Elbows, 7 One Arm DeadLift (30/40), 7 Burpee, 7 KB Swing (16/24), 7 PullUp

The only difference is instead of Sumo Deadlift High Pull we are doing 1 Arm DeadLifts - constantly varied!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kel.

    6 of us for today's little jolly.

    We did 75 plate thrusters @ 10kg and 75 burpees.

    Luke 7.05
    Dwayne 8.11
    Sarah 11.40
    Phil 11.20
    Carmen 10.50
    Shane A for effort, that's all that counts isn't it?

    oh and we are running in the morning, in the compound so it should be a lot of fun.

    Have fun



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