Wednesday 15 Sep - 1 RM Front Squat then 400m Run 12-9-6-3 SitUp, Ring PushUp, 400m Run

Great to see most peoples max double unders in 2 minutes increasing. Sarah is now on 161, Nick has 143 and Sara 142. For those still chasing one just keep practicing!


  1. Hey Kel

    Had a bit of a leg workout here today.

    3 Rounds for time of:
    20 Tyre jumps
    20 Squats
    20m Lunge walk
    20 Overhead squats with a bare bar (6kg bars)

    Luke 7.10
    Dwayne 7.41
    Shane 10.29
    Sarah 11.51
    Carmen 13.12
    Phil 13.09

    Didn't really have enough equipment to do your one tonight unfortunately.

    Have fun.

  2. We took Crossfit Darwin to the snow!!!!

    After looking at the WODs and the times everyone is getting, am a little worried. Will be going to do a few more WODs.


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