Monday 18 Oct - 3 Rnds - 15 Hang Power Cleans (60/40), 15 Burpees

 Thanks to everyone who came along to the Ski Club to say goodbye to Michael, awesome turnout! We have such an amazing group of people at CFD, we really should get together socially more often.
 So check this out - Aaron and his partner Amy have just started at CFD but have been Crossfitting for some time. Aaron just had a WOD video, he and Amy made, posted on Blair Morrison's blog 'anywhere fit' so watch it, it's really cool!! Nice work Aaron. Aaron's WOD   just scroll down to Friday 15 Oct - it's called 'Ruined by Tracey'

1 comment:

  1. A few days late... 7:26 mins Rx'd..



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