Tuesday 16 Nov - 3 Min AMRAP, Rest 1 Min, Complete 5 times - 3 Power Cleans (60/40), 6 Push Ups, 9 Knees to Elbows

Tobey - totally oblivious to all the hard work going on around him!
Compare to 23 Jun


  1. hi from freeing adeliade

    CF tenacity

    warm up

    box warm up
    10 pull ups
    10 sit ups
    10 push ups
    10 squats

    3 rounds

    WOD "mini murph"
    800 M run
    50 pull up (red/blue)
    100 push ups (knee)
    150 squats
    800 M run



  2. Hi Kelly and the rest of Crossfit Darwin,

    Amy and I are heading off tonight for Canada and will be on the other side of the world by tomorrow morning (They are a day behind).

    We really enjoyed the short time we had with the CFD team and will miss our 6:30am crew! We have learnt a lot in the last month and will be using it to smash WOD's at all the Crossfit box's we visit in Canada, America and Europe.

    Thanks again Kelly for all your help and advice over the last month, and also for lending me some weight when I needed it.

    Keep up the good work everyone and we will see you in a year! 3,2,1..GO!

    - Aaron and Amy


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