Saturday 11 Dec - 'Grace' or 'Helen' or 'Annie'

 Your choice from 3 of the benchmark WOD's - what a treat! 
'Grace' is 30 Clean and Jerk (60/40)
'Helen' is 3 Rnds - 400m Run, 21 KB Swing (24/16), 12 Pull Up
'Annie' is 50-40-30-20-10 - Double Under, SitUp
Before the WODs begin everyone will choose a lift for a 1RM. Any lift you like!


  1. Morning!

    I chose to do Annie as I have a skipping rope and I dont have an oly bar, I suck at using Aaron's aqua bag and I dont want to go running outside :)

    7:03 Rx'd in a nice and warm -5C

  2. Haha a skipping rope that needed fixing after snapping from the cold. I suck at using the AquaBag too, its pretty damn hard. I did Annie as well, but in the arvo. I didn't beat my last time of 6min flat, but was close, 6:20.

    - Aaron G


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