Nice work Caroline for smashing me on the WOD this morning!! Awesome work Marnie on your 55kg 2RM Squat Clean - STRONG!! Also forgot to mention yesterdays big 2RM OverHead Squats - Michael with a 1RM of 80kg, 2RM's for Cody-60kg, Marnie and Linda-50kg and Kel R-55kg. Plenty of PR's yesterday - all the hard work is paying off and big strength gains are being made by everyone.
Nice work Caroline for smashing me on the WOD this morning!! Awesome work Marnie on your 55kg 2RM Squat Clean - STRONG!! Also forgot to mention yesterdays big 2RM OverHead Squats - Michael with a 1RM of 80kg, 2RM's for Cody-60kg, Marnie and Linda-50kg and Kel R-55kg. Plenty of PR's yesterday - all the hard work is paying off and big strength gains are being made by everyone.