Friday 1 Jul - 21-15-9 KettleBell Snatch Left Arm(16/12), KettleBell Snatch Right Arm, Burpee (for the morning sessions)

View Esplanade in a larger map
The 2 afternoon sessions  - 4pm and 5:30pm will be a run from the end of The Esplanade (the CrossFit Darwin end). We will be taking advantage of those awesome stairs and subsequent hill out of Doctors Gully for some hill sprints!!
 There we be a BBQ after the 5:30pm session, just like the one we had a few weeks ago at Fannie Bay. Once again I will provide the meat and salad, just BYO chair and drinks. Its cool if you just want to come along for the BBQ - the WOD is not compulsory!!!
The map above shows the way to get to our Esplanade meeting point from CFD

Wednesday 29 Jun - 21,18,15,12,9 - Box Jump, WallBall, Knees to Elbows

CFNZ's 3rd Birthday Celebrations
Strength - Hang Snatch

Monday 27 Jun - 'Grace' - 30 Clean and Jerk (60/40)

 Compare to 10 Feb
Strength - Clean

Saturday 25 Jun - 10-8-6-4-2 Dumbbell DeadLift (45/35), PushUp, Box Jump, Ring Dip

4 Burpees on the minute every minute!

Friday 24 Jun - 20min AMRAP - 400m Run, Max Thruster (40/30), 400m Run, Max OverHead Squat (40/30)

 Score is total number of Thrusters and OverHead Squats

Thursday 23 Jun - 7 Rnds - 10 Med Ball Clean, 200m Run

Bye Anthony - Good luck in Adelaide!!

Tuesday 21 Jun - 30 Muscle Up

 Sub is Ring PullUps (or Ring Rows) and Ring Dips

Sunday 19 Jun - Open Gym 2-4pm

 For those keen to enter the next Oly Lifting Comp (6th Aug) Open Gym is the best time to practice your Snatch and Clean and Jerk - plenty of time, space and coaching!

Thursday 16 Jun - 5 Rnds - 15 OverHead Squat (40/30), 30 PushUp

Ed at Gunlom Falls, Kakadu

Monday 13 Jun - CLOSED

 CFD is closed for the public holiday. Enjoy a rest day!

Sunday 12 Jun - Open Gym 2-4pm

 CFD is closed Monday

Saturday 11 Jun - 100 PullUps, 100 KB Swing (24/16), 100 Double Under, 100 OverHead Squat (40/30)

 This is CF Games Regionals WOD #4. The scaled version is 3 Rnds - 20 reps of each

Friday 10 Jun - 7 Rnds - 35 Double Under, 1 Snatch

 Strength - Snatch
Score is time in seconds minus total amount of weight lifted

Thursday 9 Jun - 1-10 Squat, 10-1 Ring Dip

 Strength - Bench Press

Tuesday 7 Jun - 'Fight Gone Bad' - 3 Rnds - Wall Ball (10kg/5kg), Sumo DeadLift HighPull (35/25), Box Jump (60/50cm), Push Press (35/25), Row

Posing before the City To Surf!!
1 min per station, 1 min rest between rounds, total reps is score.

Monday 6 Jun - 8 Rnds - 6 Hang Power Clean (60/40), 3 Burpees, 1 Rope Climb

Strength - Front Squat
In this WOD if you need to wait for the rope you do pushups - every pushup you do is minus 1 second off your time

Sunday 5 Jun - Open Gym 2-4pm

Sorry John, not your heaviest that night but the only one I got a photo of.
Thanks to all those who came and supported the lifters at the weight lifting comp.
Huge congratulations to Mel and Marnie for great lifts.
See you all at the City to Surf start line!

Saturday 4 Jun - 'Unbroken' - KB Swing (24/16), Double Under, PullUp, Toes To Bar, Sit Up, Thruster (40/30), Push Up, Tyre Jump, Squat, Push Press(40/30)

Working with a partner you will do as many reps as possible of each exercise, your partner will count your reps and ensure they are good reps. If the movement involves the PullUp station you score reps until you drop from the bar. For movements using the Olympic bar reps are scored until you put the bar down. For all other movements you score reps until you pause/rest for 2 seconds or more. Score is total reps for all 10 exercises!
Weight Lifting Comp starts at 10am. Come on down and compete or cheer. Bring a chair or two!

Thursday 2 Jun - 1k Run, 30 HandStand PushUp, 1k Run

 This is Games WOD #1 from the CF Regionals - except we have subbed a 1k run instead of 1k row