Monday 7 Nov - 10x 100m Sprint. 60 Second rest between efforts.

 Strength - Press, Push Press, Push Jerk
Great Triathlon efforts this weekend by Megan, Simon and Kel R.


  1. Hey all, did the WOD before work.
    Times are: 19s,19s,19s,18s,19s,18s,20s,19s,19s,19s!
    Great simple WOD. It was much harder than I first though!
    Enjoy an awesome WOD everyone!

  2. I'm a sucker for awesome WODS!
    Went to Soul Rebel Crossfit in Greensborough.

    WOD was;
    12 HSPU (1 mat for me)
    400m run (there is a nice little hill at the beginning, my thighs loved it!)
    then 3 rounds of 10 thrusters (30kg) and 15 TTB
    finally 400m run!!!
    time: 17:06 (YAY!)

    I think I'll go to their KB session on Saturday! I'll let you all know how it goes.
    P.S. saw people doing pike PU (alt HSPU), I'll show you them when I get back!!!


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