Friday 10 Feb - 'OPT Flight Simulator' - Double Unders - 5-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45-50-45-40-35-30-25-20-15-10-5

  All sets of Double Unders must be Unbroken before you move onto the next set. The rope must stop between sets. There is a 20min time cap. This is a great WOD to improve your double unders - don't miss it!!
Compare to 15 Jul


  1. Cool pic! Yay to the new on-rampers that just graduated! :)

  2. That makes 39 to have completed On Ramp so far this year. 2012 = EPIC year at CFD!!!!

    Nice work Amze and Az for starting so many people off on their CrossFitting careers!

  3. That's awesome! It's going to be a great year!! You're welcome we love it :)


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