Friday 9 Nov - 'OPT Flight Simulator' - Double Under 5-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45-50-45-40-35-30-25-20-15-10-5

Compare to 16 Aug
Come in and make friends with Double Unders. There is a 20min time cap on this one, so if nothing else it will be a 20min practice session.
Strength - Bench Press.
The newest On Ramp graduates are ready to hit the main group sessions - look out for them, introduce yourselves and help them out.
THIS SATURDAY 8AM is our inaugural Trans Tasman Challange. It is a friendly, fun competition between CFD and our good friends at MaD CrossFit in NZ. All 3 WODs have been designed to suit EVERY CrossFitter, so rock up at 8am Saturday morning like any other Saturday morning, participate in 3 short WOD's then at around 10am we will have a delicious egg and bacon BBQ. BYO beers, nothing like a BBQ breakfast beer!