Thursday 31 Jan - 2 Rnds - 500m Row, 40 Squat, 30 SitUp, 20 PushUp, 10 PullUp

This is the baseline WOD for the February Healthy Living Challenge. 
Strength - Split Jerk

Tuesday 29 Jan - 700m Run then 7 Rnds - 7 Toes To Bar, 7 HandStand PushUps, then 700m Run

What a huge weekend for CFD! 
Our shirts were out in force at the Australia Day run on Saturday. 
The lifting comp on Sunday was inspirational with plenty of new lifters taking to the platform and excelling.  Many thanks to the refs, bar loaders, NTWA, the lifters and the large supportive crowd!

Monday 28 Jan - Public Holiday, 8am and 3pm sessions only - 'Hopper Deck'

'Hopper Deck' is a deck of cards each containing a WOD.
 One person will blindly draw a card from the deck and read it out to the group. If everyone in the group agrees then that is the WOD the group will do. If anyone in the group wants to draw another card the group does 10 burpees and another card is drawn. 
The group continues to draw cards until they all agree. 
Each person can only opt to redraw once

Sunday 27 Jan - 10am - Weightlifting Comp

Be at CFD at 10am Sunday to watch weightlifters from Time Out Gym, CrossFit Territory and CrossFit Darwin. The ladies start at 10am, guys will start around 11am. Show your support and cheer them all on to personal best lifts! There will be a BBQ lunch around 12:30. BYO drinks.
No Open Gym today
Monday is a public holiday. There will be a 8am and a 3pm session.

Saturday 26 Jan - Australia Day Fun Run

Link to the Fun Run registration form here. Take that form to the start line before 7am Saturday, Run starts at 7am
There will be no 3pm session today. 
Tomorrow (Sunday) CF Darwin will be hosting an NTWA competition. The lifts are Snatch and Clean & Jerk. Come along and support the lifters, some of them are competing for the first time. Start time is 10am. There will be plenty of meat on the BBQ at around 12:30pm, BYO drinks. 
There will be no Open Gym on Sunday.

Friday 25 Jan - 50 KettleBell Swing (24/16), 50 Burpee PullUp, 50 OverHead Lunge Step (20/15), 50 Thruster (20/15)

Carl on The OutLaw Camp in Perth last weekend
Strength - Power Snatch, Hang Power Snatch
A reminder that there are no sessions held at CFD this weekend. Saturday the WOD is The Australia Day Fun Run/Walk at 7am on the Esplanade. Sunday is the NTWA weightlifting Comp at 10am.
BLOOD SWEAT & FEARS - We have plenty of teams up on the board. The time to register is now, while the early bird prices are available. When you register make sure you put your team name and the same start time as the rest of your team. Register under the 'Fitness Frenzy' category Once you have registered put a tick next to your name on the board at CFD so I know who to chase up!

Thursday 24 Jan - 7 Min AMRAP Ladder - 3 Box Jump, 3 Ring PushUp, 6 Box Jump, 6 Ring PushUp. Add 3 Reps every round until 7 mins is up

Strength - Front Squat
The CrossFit Darwin Healthy Life Challenge begins Feb 1st. Flyers are now up on the CFD walls. Check it out and get involved!

Wednesday 23 Jan - Team of 3 or 4 - 6K Row - change every 250m. Team of 3 or 4 - 4k Run - change every 200m

This Saturday the WOD will be the Australia Day Fun Run/Walk. The info and registration form is here.
See you all at the start line at 7am, wear your CFD shirt if you have one!
There will be no sessions run at the gym on Saturday.

Tuesday 22 Jan - DeadLift 5-5-5-5-5

Compare to 18 Sep

Saturday 19 Jan - 800m Run, 50m Bear Crawl, 7 Rnds - 5 PullUps, 10 PushUps, 15 Squats, 20 SitUps then 800m Run, 50m Bear Crawl

For all those who have just finished On Ramp this is a great first WOD! 

Friday 18 Jan - 10x 100m Sprint

Rest 1 min between sprint efforts
Compare to 31 Jul
The biggest ON Ramp group in CFD history have been cleared for take off! I know you will all make them feel very welcome and help them out getting started on their CrossFit journey.

Tuesday 15 Jan - 2 Rnd - 10 MedBall Clean, 10 KettleBell Swing (32/24), 10 Dumbbell Snatch (20/15)

Mel in Afghan, counting down the days until she is back at CFD!
Strength - Front Squat

Monday 14 Jan - 7 min AMRAP - Burpees

 At the top of each rep jump up and touch a target set 6 inches above your max reach
Compare to 24 Feb 2012 
Strength - Bench Press and Strict Pullups

Sunday 13 Jan - Open Gym 2-4pm

The first NTWA weightlifting comp for 2013 is just 2 weeks away. Open gym is the best time to practice your lifts, whether you intend on competing this year or you just want to be more efficient at moving weight overhead. If you are keen on competing though let me, or any of the CFD trainers, know and we will give you all the info and encouragement you need!

Saturday 12 Jan - 'Partner WOD' - 60 Power Clean (60/40), 60 PullUp, 60 MedBall Clean, 60 Burpee, 60 Dumbbell Snatch (20/15), 60 Box Jump

While one partner runs 200m the other partner gets the reps done, partners swap over every 200m run. 

Friday 11 Jan - 7-5-3 Muscle Up, Wall Climb. 200m Run at the start of each round

Matt and Dave A on their CF Level 1 Certification in Singapore last weekend.
Strength - Press and Turkish Get Up

Thursday 10 Jan - 50-40-30-20-10 Double Under, 10-8-6-4-2 Squat Clean Thruster (60/40)

Jess and Tanya, is this acceptable behaviour for 2 medical professionals???
Strength - Thruster

Wednesday 9 Jan - 3 x 3 min AMRAP - #1 - Strict HandStand PushUps, #2 - Strict MuscleUps, #3 - Kipping Pullups

2 min Rest between each AMRAP
Was great to have Kylie from CF Mildura training at CFD for the last couple of weeks, good luck at the final WODstock event!

Tuesday 8th Jan - Death by 10m Cone Sprints

Aaron at 'The Outlaw' course this weekend in Ipswich
Compare to 3 Oct
Strength - Weighted PullUps and Split Jerk

Friday 4 Jan - 3 Rnd - 12 Clean and Jerk (50/35), 12 Strict PullUp

Strength - Clean and Jerk

Wednesday 2 Jan - 'Diane' - 21-15-9 - DeadLift (100/70), HandStand PushUp

Strength - DeadLift
Compare to 16 Oct
Back to normal session times!