Saturday 1 Mar - 'Open WOD 14.1' - 10 Min AMRAP - 30 Double Under, 15 Power Snatch (35/25)

CFD doors will open 30mins before each session so you can get in early and mobilise. Those who get there earliest will be put in heats first, so if you need to get away early tomorrow get in early to get your name down first! Feel free to come down and cheer everyone on even if you are not doing the WOD at that time. 
Free Intro Session 10am.

Friday 28 Feb - 1 x 100m Bear Crawl. 2 x 500m Row. 3 x 400m Run

Brendan and Linda are off travelling for a year. Well done on 2 1/2 years of consistent training at CFD! Enjoy your adventures guys, hopefully you will return to Darwin and train with us again in the future.
Today is a 'keep your body moving' WOD in preparation for the Open WOD on Saturday.

Thursday 27 Feb - 'Partner WOD" - 1-5 Ring Dip, 10-15 OverHead Lunge (20/15), 1-5 Strict PullUp, 10-15 SitUp, 1-5 Toes Thru Rings, 10-15 Box Jump

All the details on how The CrossFit Open Games 2014 will go down at CFD are on the whiteboard.
 It is going to be a hectic, rewarding, fun 5 weeks for everyone.
Register here to make sure you are a part of the action!

Monday 24 Feb - 6 Rnds - 6 Power Clean (60/40), 3 PushPress. Rest 2 Mins. 3 Rnds - 3 Power Clean, 6 PushPress

Don't let go of the pullup bar mid kip or you will spend your Saturday afternoon in RDH doing pistols!
For anybody who loves cheesecake (who doesn't) check out Mel's Raw Delights here via FB. The cakes are all gluten, dairy and sugar free. You can order as much or as little as you like and have it delivered to CFD. Just send Mel a PM via the link, email or call. A few of us got a taste test after the 3pm session on Saturday and they are SO GOOD!
Strength - Back Squat

Tuesday 18 Feb - 21-15-9 - SumoDeadLift (100/70), RingPushUps

Strength - SumoDeadLift

Thursday 13 Feb - 'OPT Flight Simulator' - Double Unders - 5-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45-50-45-40-35-30-25-20-15-10-5

StrongMan Certification in NZ last weekend
Compare to 6 Sep
Strength - Weighted PullUps

Tuesday 11 Feb - 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 - Burpee, SitUp, Squat, Dumbbell Snatch (20/15)

The Team competing in Sydney last weekend, great work guys!
Compare to 19 Oct

Monday 10 Feb - 'Helen' - 3 Rnd - 400m Run, 21 KettleBell Swing (24/16), 12 PullUp

Look out for the newest batch of CFDers!
Compare to 22 Nov
Strength - Turkish GetUp and Jerk

Friday 7 Feb - Death By - 10m Sprints, Dumbbell Press (15/10), Ring Dip, Burpee PullUp

2 Reps in the first minute, 4 reps in the second minute, 6 reps in the third minute and so on until you can no longer perform the number of reps required for that minute. 

Monday 3 Feb - 5 Rnds - 30 Sec Power Snatch, 30 Sec Rest. 5 Rnds - 30 Sec PullUps, 30 Sec Rest. 5 Rnds - 30 Sec MedBall Clean, 30 Sec Rest

The crazy weather on Saturday didn't stop everyone coming in for a rockin' outdoor WOD!
Strength - Press