Tuesday 1 Jul - 12 Min AMRAP - 3 MuscleUp, 6 HandStand PushUp, 9 Burpee PullUp

Strength - Snatch
Due to Fireworks there will be no 7pm session tonight

Monday 30 Jun - 10-8-6-4-2 - PullUp, 4-8-12-16-20 - WallBall

Strength - Back Squat
There will be no 7pm session on Tuesday night due to the madness that is Territory Day! The Mindil Beach display starts at 7:30pm

Sunday 29 Jun - Open Gym 2-4pm

The Calm

Saturday 28 Jun - 'Partner WOD' - 20 Rnds - 10 Box Jump, 8 Ring PushUp, 6 Weighted SitUp

One partner completes 1 round while the other rests, no hidden 200m runs today….!

Thursday 26 Jun - 3 Mins - WallBall, 3 Mins Power Clean & Jerk (50/35), 3 Mins Pistol Squat

Strength - Weighted PullUps and Weighted Dips

Sunday 22 Jun - Open Gym 2-4pm

Best Saturday morning at CFD ever! 
Thanks to the Marines and all the CFD members that made the morning one to remember.

Saturday 21 Jun - 'US Marines/CFD Team Comp'

Comp starts at 8am. 
If anybody would like to help out, rather than WOD, that would be much appreciated. 
Breakfast BBQ from 10am. (Feel free to attend that even if you are not competing or helping).
3pm is Open Gym only.

Friday 20 Jun - 2 Rnd - 1k Run, 10m HandStand Walk, 50 SitUp

This Saturday CFD will be holding a 4 person team comp with The US Marines. 
Teams will be made up of 2 CFDers and 2 Marines, or as close as we can get to that ratio.
There will be 3 WOD's, starting at 8am and finishing up around 10am. 
It will be followed by a breakfast BBQ from 10am (bacon and eggs)
Utter Nutter will be there from 8am with Bullet Proof Coffees and delicious healthy treats.
The WOD's have been designed so that EVERYONE will be able to participate. 
The movements are kettlebell swings, wallballs, lunge steps, rowing and shoulder to overhead. 
Due to the comp 3pm Saturday will be an Open Gym, not a coached session.
So come in, get a few workouts done, make some new friends and have a free breakfast!

Wednesday 18 Jun - 30 Thruster (40/30), 30 PullUp. 3 Min Rest. 20 Thruster (50/35), 20 PullUp. 2 Min Rest. 10 Thruster (60/40), 10 PullUp.

Another outstanding weekend of competition for Sammy! 2nd place at Perth's 'Primal Throwdown' Here she is with her AlphaFit Crew and on the podium. Great work Sam, we are, as always very proud of you!
Strength - Thruster

Tuesday 17 Jun - 100-50-40-30-20-10 - Double Under. 10-9-8-7-6-5 - Hang Power Clean & Jerk (50/35)

Strength - Push Jerk
Huge thanks to the CFD Bar Loading Team, Kel, Rhys, Briant, MJ and Megan, who excelled in their duties this weekend at the National Masters Weightlifting Comp at Marrara Stadium. 

Saturday 14 Jun - 'Partner WOD' - 100 OverHead Lunge Step (20/15), 90 Plate Ground To OverHead (20/15), 80 WallBall, 70 Toes To Bar, 60 Thruster (20/15), 50 Cal Row, 40 Burpee PullUp, 30 Ring Dip, 20 Sled Push (10m), 10 Tyre Flip

Sam is competing in Perth this weekend in The Primal Throwdown, presented by Southern CrossFit. The link to the website is here so you can follow her progress all weekend. GO SAM!!

Tuesday 10 Jun - 3 Rnds - In 3 Mins - Run 400m, Max PushPress (50/35)

Strength - Press and Turkish GetUp

Monday 9 Jun - 'Devils Mile - 400m Lunge Walk, 30 PushUps, 400m OH Plate Carry (20/15), 30 Squat, 400m Broad Jump, 30 Burpee, 400m Bear Crawl

Compare to 8 Jun 2013 and 12 May 2012 and 2 Jul 2011
This is the fourth year in a row that we have hit The Devils Mile on Casuarina Beach, it's a great WOD, don't miss it!
Session times are 8am and 5pm. After the 8am session we will have a vote on where to go for breakfast. After the 3pm session I will have an esky full of ice so feel free to add a beer or 2 to it and we can watch the sun go down!

Sunday 8 Jun - Open Gym 2-4pm

Tomorrows WOD (Monday) is at Casuarina Beach. Session Times are 8am and 5pm. 
Drive along Trower Rd, turn right at the roundabout after Claymore Cresent then left into the first car park, walk to the beach from there. 

Friday 6 Jun - 'Tabata' - Shoulder Taps, Frog Stand, Bridge Hold, Inverted Hang

10 Min squat hold day is here, we are ready for this!

Thursday 5 Jun - 4 Rnd - 7 Front Squat (75/50), 7 Ring PushUp, 7 Cal Row

Strength - Thruster
This Monday is a Public Holiday. The WOD will be held at Casuarina Beach. Session times will be 8am and 5pm (it's a long(ish) WOD and 3pm will be too hot). If anyone needs a lift from CFD to the beach email me. The meeting spot at the beach is the car park before the surf lifesaving club. Turn right at the roundabout at DripStone Cliffs then turn into the first car park on the left.

Monday 2 Jun - 7 Min Ladder 1,1,2,2 etc - Power Snatch (50/35), OverHead Squat. Rest 2 Min. 7 Min Ladder 1,1,2,2 etc - 1 Arm Dumbbell Thruster (15/10), Toes To Bar. Rest 2 Mins. 7 Min Ladder 1,1,2,2 etc - KettleBell Swing (32/24), SitUp

City 2 Surf 2014

Apologies to the CFDers that I didn't catch up with at the finish line for photos!
Great run, see you all there next year.
Strength - Power Snatch and OverHead Squat