Friday 1 Aug - 'Grace' - 30 Clean & Jerk (60/40)

 Strength - Overhead Squat
Today is Sally's last day at CFD before moving to Brisbane. Come in after 5pm to say goodbye and have a beer (BYO).
Monday is a public holiday, sessions times are 8am and 3pm - both sessions will be at Casuarina Beach. Park in the car park before the surf life saving club and walk down the track to the beach.

Thursday 31 Jul - 5 Rnds - In 4 Mins - Run 400m, Max Dips

 Strength - Bench Press

Monday 28 Jul - 5 Min Ladder - Wall Climb, Cluster (60/40), Strict PullUp. Rest 3 Mins. 50 Toes to Bar, 100m Suitcase Carry Left Arm (32/24), 100m Suitcase Carry Right Arm (32/24)

Strength - Back Squat
The 5 min Ladder is 1 rep of each, then 2 reps of each and so on until 5 Mins is up.

Sunday 27 Jul - Open Gym 2-4pm

It was time to say goodbye to long term CFDers Brad and Ali today as they are heading off on an amazing life adventure around Europe. Then they are heading back to Victoria to live. Best wishes guys from us all, very sad to see you both go but we all love that you are living life to the fullest!

Wednesday 23 Jul - 'Nicole' - 20 Min AMRAP - 400m Run, Max PullUps

Strength - Weighted PullUps and Front Squat

Tuesday 22 Jul - 'Nasty Girls' - 3 Rnds - 50 Squat, 7 MuscleUp, 10 Hang Power Clean (60/40)

 Well done Kel on completing The Darwin Half Marathon on Sunday!
Compare to 6 May
Strength - Clean & Jerk Complex

Saturday 19 Jul - 50-40-30-20-10 - KettleBell Swing (24/16), SitUp, OverHead Lunge Step (20/15), Dumbbell PushPress (15/10)

After each round do 1 Rope Climb, 2 Tyre Flips and 3 Wall Climbs
CrossFit 11 Mile are holding a free intro session at 10am today, send your friends!

Wednesday 16 Jul - 7RM Back Squat, 4RM Front Squat, 2 RM OverHead Squat

 Congratulations to Nicole and Gabe on the birth of this awesome little man this morning!

Saturday 12 Jul - 10 Min AMRAP - 10 PushPress (20/15), 10 Box Jump. 3 Min Rest. 10 Min AMRAP - 10 Lunge Step, 10 Burpee. 3 Min Rest. 10 Min AMRAP - 10 WallBall, 10 KettleBell Swing (24/16)

8am will be Dee's last WOD at CFD before she continues her travels, come on in to say goodbye!
OR take a drive past the Berrimah line and introduce a friend to CrossFit at the 8am 11 Mile WOD!

Friday 11 Jul - 3 Rnds - 5 Strict PullUp, 10 Kipping PullUp, 20 Box Step Over

Strength - Front Squat
Our Tug of War Team, not heavy enough!!
Tomorrow (Saturday) at 8am CrossFit 11 Mile are holding a 'Bring a Friend' WOD at 8am. If you have a friend or family member who wants to see what CrossFit is all about take them along for a great introduction. It's free and will be fun!

Tuesday 8 Jul - 3 Rnds - 1 Min Dips, 1 Min Dumbbell Snatch (20/15), 1 Min Row, 1 Min KettleBell Swing (32/24), 1 Min Rest

The first instalment of The NorFit series was a huge success. Well done to CrossFit TopEnd for hosting an excellent day. 
The next one will be at CrossFit 11 Mile on Saturday 6th Sept. The workouts will be designed to suit beginners to advanced so everyone should enter. Registrations will open closer to the day. 

Saturday 5 Jul - 100 WallBalls, 100 Burpees, 1k Run

Free Intro Session at 10am Today.

Friday 4 Jul - Death By Double Unders

Strength - Press
Tomorrow (Saturday), CrossFit TopEnd are hosting a CrossFit competition (NorFit) starting at 8am. Registrations have closed but there are a number of CFD and 11 Mile members competing. It would be great if you could head down to support them. Utter Nutter will be there so your morning coffee is sorted!
If you have registered sign in is 7am - 7:15am Saturday. Good luck everybody, see you all there!

Thursday 3 Jul - 4 Rnds - 250m Row, 25 Squat, 25 Lunge Step, 25 SitUp, 1 Rope Climb

Don't forget shin protection for the rope climbs