Saturday 1 Aug - 'Partner WOD' - 100 OverHead Squat (40/30), 80 Box StepUp, 60 Push Press (40/30), 40 Ring Row, 20x 10m Bear Crawl, 10x 100m Run

While 1 Partner does the reps the other 'rests' in a plank hold.
Happy Birthday to all the horses!

Friday 31 Jul - 4 Rnds - 1 Min - 3/4 Body Weight Back Squat, 1 Min - Body Weight Back Squat, 1 Min - 1 1/4 Body Weight Back Squat

Rest as long as required between 1 min efforts.
Monday is a public holiday, session times will be 8am and 3pm

Wednesday 29 Jul - 15 Min AMRAP - 5 Strict PullUp, 20 Squat, 5 Strict HandStand PushUp, 20 Squat

Skills WOD - 15 Min AMRAP - 10m HandStand Walk, 10 Pistol Squat, 1 Legless Rope Climb.
 There is no yoga session this Thursday, CJ is away.

Sunday 26 Jul - Open Gym 2-4pm

Epic effort from Matt Swift, owner of CrossFit Brisbane, to win the 45-49 masters category at the CrossFit Games. Matt taught me the rules of programming when I first started CFD in 2010, I have been following his advice ever since.

Friday 24 Jul - 'Murph' - 1.6k Run, 100 PullUps, 200 PushUps, 300 Squats, 1.6k Run

 The amazing July On Ramp group!
  Murph should be performed wearing a weighted vest so if you have one and want to wear it then bring it along. The reps can be partitioned as required. eg - 20 Rnds - 5 Pullup, 10 Push Up, 15 Squat.
There will be a few scaled versions of this WOD on the board to choose from.
Session times today are 8am and 3pm.

Thursday 23 Jul - EMOM - 8 Mins - Odd - 3 MuscleUps, Max Burpees, Even - Rest. EMOM - 8 Mins - Odd - 3 DeadLift (120/80), Max Burpees, Even - Rest. EMOM - 8 Mins - Odd - 3 Front Squat (75/50), Max Burpee, Even - Rest

It's a testament to CrossFit when 4 non runners (Arthur runs) can knock out a half marathon. Maybe a few more of us can test out our 21k fitness next year!

Wednesday 22 Jul - 21-15-9 - Power Clean (60/40), HandStand PushUp

Strength - Clean Complex
Friday is a public holiday, session times are 8am and 3pm.
The next Australian Weightlifting Association Level 1 Club Weightlifting/Sports Power course is on 8-9 August. Registrations and payment is due THIS Friday. Click here for info on the course and to register.

Monday 20 Jul - 10 Min AMRAP - 7 PullUp, 14 Thruster (40/30), 21 Double Under

Strength - Thruster and PullUp
The 9:15am session on Monday, Wednesday and Friday will continue until the end of August, as a trial period. If numbers are good it will stay on the timetable.

Saturday 18 Jul - 6 Rnds - 50m Tyre Drag, 5 Tyre Flips, 10 KettleBell Swing (32/24), 400m Run

This WOD will be done in the park opposite CFD, so we can make the most of this awesome weather! Bring a hat and water bottle.
There is a free intro session today at 10am.

Thursday 16 Jul - 5 Rnds - 3 Wall Climb, 9 Pistol Squat

Strength - Bench Press and Front Squat

Wednesday 15 Jul - 42-30-18 - WallBall, Sumo DeadLift HighPull (32/24), Box Jump, Push Press (35/25), Row (cal)

NorFit 2015, Part 1
This WOD is from CrossFit mainsite

Tuesday 14 Jul - Press - 3RM. Push Press - 2RM. Jerk - 1RM

Kelly, Seb and Paul

Monday 13 Jul - 2 x 800m Run, 4 x 400m Run, 6 x 200m Run.

Sam and Rob
2 Min Rest after each 800m, 1 Min Rest after 400m and 1 Min Rest after each 200m 

Sunday 12 Jul - Open Gym 2-4pm

Karon, Meg, Aza

Thursday 9 Jul - 75 WallBalls, Every Min do 3 x Burpee. 50 Box Jump, Every Min do 3 x Burpee. 25 Toes To Bar, Every Min do 3 x Burpee

Strength - Weighted PullUp and Turkish GetUp
Bec, Rhoda, Jeff and DPD

Wednesday 8 Jul - Back Squat - 5RM, 3RM, 1RM, 5-5-5

Lots of NorFit shots over the next few days, everybody who competed gets their photo up!
Arthur, Chris, Sophia and Hayley

Tuesday 7 Jul - 3 Rnd - 30 Sec MuscleUp, 30 Sec Rest, 30 Sec Power Snatch(40/30), 30 Sec Rest, 30 Sec Row, 30 Sec Rest, 30 Sec PullUps, 30 Sec Rest, 30 Sec Dumbbell Push Press (15/10), 30 Sec Rest

 Skills WOD - 15 Min AMRAP - 1 Rope Climb, 3x Hand Stand Walk Attempt, 30 Sec L Sit Hold.
A great result for CFD with Aaron and Sammy both taking first place at NorFit on Saturday. 
The real winner's though were everybody who competed, from all of the CrossFit gyms in the NT. CF TopEnd have once again done an excellent job at hosting a fantastic day, that was thoroughly enjoyed by everybody. A huge thank you to Kwow, Salli and Justin for judging, without the judges the day couldn't happen. Next NorFit is Saturday 12th Sept at CrossFit Darwin, put it in your diary, don't miss it!

Saturday 4 Jul - 'Hopper Deck' - 8am Session Only Today

 NorFit is on today at CrossFit TopEnd. It is the Territory's biannual CrossFit competition open to all NT CrossFitters, new or experienced, young or old. If you have not entered as a competitor come down anyway and check it out. Spectators yelling out their support makes the day a lot of fun! See you all there, 8am - 3:30pm
There is no 3pm session today (come to NorFit instead....)
Hopper Deck is a deck of WOD cards. One person blindly chooses a card and reads out the WOD. If everyone agrees to it then that is the WOD. If 1 person in the group says 'no' then everyone does 10 burpees and another card is selected. Burpees will continue until everybody agrees. You can only say 'no' once. 

Friday 3 Jul - 2 Rnds - 50 Squat, 40 SitUp, 200m Farmers Carry (24/16)

Skills WOD - 2 Rnds - 1 min HandStand Walking, 1 Min - Pistol Squat, 1 Min - Muscle Up
Much thanks to Justin and Chris for bar loading on the weekend.

Thursday 2 Jul - 30 Min AMRAP - 7 Dummbell Hang Squat Clean (20/15), 14 HandStand PushUp, 21 Box StepUp

To all those registered for NorFit you need to be at CrossFit Top End at 7am Saturday morning to register. The athlete brief will be at 7:30. If you have a marquee that will fit on a nature strip bring it along so we will have some shade during the day.