Saturday 15 Aug - 4 Min AMRAP - 7 Ring Row, 11 WallBall. 2 Min Rest. 4 Min AMRAP - 7 Cal Row, 11 Thruster (20/15). 2 Min Rest. 4 Min AMRAP - 7 Burpee, 11 Hang Power Snatch (20/15). 2 Min Rest. 4 Min AMRAP - 7 V-Sit, 11 Plate Ground To OverHead (20/15). 2 Min Rest. 4 Min AMRAP - 7 Double Under, 11 OverHead Lunge (20/15)

Reminder there is no open gym tomorrow but there is a weightlifting comp! 
If you would like to come down and watch the action starts at 11am with the ladies kicking off. Guys will start at around 12:30pm