Wednesday 1 Apr - ‘Running from Annie’ - 50-40-30-20-10 - Double Under, SitUp. 400m Run after each round.

2010 Regionals
6am - Meeting ID - 467 180 522
5pm -  Meeting ID - 493 077 064
The Zoom WOD is different to the posted WOD.

Tuesday 31 Mar - 5 Rnd - 1 Min - KettleBell DeadLift (32/24), 1 Min - Box Jump, 1 Min - MedBall Thruster, 1 Min - Rest

2010 - CFD’s first PullUp rig.
Strength - Bent Over Row
6am - Meeting ID - 467 180 522
5pm -  Meeting ID - 493 077 064
The Zoom WOD is different to the posted WOD.

Monday 30 Mar

March 2010 - CFD’s 5 founding members. 
Annie, Kellie, Rich, Connie and Paul
ZOOM - 6am Session Meeting ID - 467 180 522
ZOOM - 4pm Session Meeting ID - 493 077 064
ZOOM- 5pm Session  Meeting ID - 493 077 064

Sunday 29 Mar - Rest Day

 Zoom Sessions with Sammy will be 6am and 4pm every week day.
Just download the app and enter the meeting ID for that session a few minutes before it starts and you’re in! I will post the meeting ID for these sessions each night.

Saturday 28 Mar - 5k Run or 10k Walk or 20k Bike Ride

Outdoor sessions are Monday to Friday. 
Zoom session timings will be posted on Facebook for now, regular timings for those will come out next week. 
Keep working hard from home, keep posting your hard work on the socials and tagging us!
You want to be able to look back on this time knowing that you stayed positive and adapted quickly. CrossFit Darwin is doing the best it possibly can to provide options to all members across a range of circumstances. 
If we stick together as a community we are stronger.

Friday 27 Mar - 12 Min AMRAP - 200m Run, 10 Russian Twist, 10 Plate Ground To OverHead, 10 Plate OverHead Lunge Step

Strength - 5RM Push Press
Outdoor (CFD carpark) sessions start tomorrow - 5:30am, 8am, 4pm and 5:30pm. If you haven’t already booked in email for availability. We are limited to 10 per session. Check our Facebook page for Zoom sessions. 

Thursday 26 Mar - 3 Rnds - 50 Single Skips, 40 KettleBell Swings, 30 Broad Jumps, 20 PushUps, 10 Weighted SitUps

I emailed all members on Wednesday night. If you did not receive it let me know at

Tuesday 24 Mar - 10 Rounds - 10x 10m Sprint, 5 Burpee, 2x 10m Bear Crawl

This is simply a workout that can be done at home or in a park.
After today we will have a daily WOD posted here, on the CFD Facebook page (via a live video) and zoom sessions throughout the day. 
All members have been emailed and will receive another email tomorrow detailing the loaning of equipment and the levels of support now offered to keep us all training together while distanced.

Monday 23 Mar - 5 Min AMRAP - 10 Toes To Bar, 20 Lunge Step. 1 Min Rest. 5 Min AMRAP - 10 V-Sit, 20 Squat

Strength - Back Squat
Morning sessions are still on!!!

Sunday 22 Mar - Open Gym 2-4pm

Happy 10th Birthday CFD. What an incredible decade it’s been! 
When normality returns we will hold a celebration. 
Until that time I would like to thank all members and coaches for making CFD what it is. A beautiful place to be happy, have fun, workout, improve in health and drink beer!

Saturday 21 Mar - In 35 Mins - 1K Run, 50 KettleBell Snatch (24/16), 40 KettleBell Thruster, 1K Row, 30 Dumbbell Box Step Up (22.5/15), 20 Dumbbell Squat Snatch, 50/35cal AirBike, 10 DeadBall Over Shoulder (60/40), 5 Wall Climb. In any time remaining AMRAP - HollowRock

CrossFit Darwin’s current stance on COVID-19
Are we going to close? Only if we are made to.
Personal hygiene is your number one priority at the gym. We have plenty of soap, paper towel, surface wipes and other cleaning products. Use them like there is no tomorrow. Wash your hands often. Use surface wipes on the toilet, taps, equipment and any shared surfaces both before and after use. Don’t get too close to people, don’t touch people. Avoid the chalk bucket, (I have been secretly wanting to enforce that for years!) Over reacting is better than trying to be cool. Don’t be embarrassed to go overboard. I encourage it. If you are sick don’t come in. Stay at home for the greater good. If you are unwell or have an immune deficiency and cannot come in we can loan you equipment, we have plenty, just send me an email.
 If any changes occur I will keep everyone updated on our courses of action. Until then stay strong and healthy.

Thursday 19 Mar - 7 Rnds - 1 Rope Climb, 50 Double Under

Strength - Front Squat

Wednesday 11 Mar - 9 Min AMRAP - 7 V-Sit, 5 Box Jump, 3 Clapping PushUp. Rest 3 Mins Then Repeat

Skill Combo Sets - Bar MuscleUp &Toes to Bar. Double Unders & Triple Unders. HandStand Walking & HandStand PushUps

Tuesday 10 Mar - Partner WOD - 30 Bear Complex (60/40), 100cal Row

Bear Complex - 1 Power Clean, 1 Front Squat, 1 Push Press, 1 Back Squat, 1 Push Press

Friday 6 Mar - 100 OverHead Squat (40/30). Every 2 Min Run 150m

Skill - HandStand Walking. Finisher - Max Distance Farmers Carry (24/16)
Sammy is on The Gold Coast this weekend competing in The Australian CrossFit Championships. 
It is a CrossFit Games sanctioned event that attracts the best CrossFitters from around Australia and the world. 
We are so proud to have Sam there representing CrossFit Darwin.