Tuesday 28 Sep - In 15 mins: 10 Cal, 40 Dumbbell Snatch; 10 Cal, 40 Goblet Squat; 10 Cal, Dumbbell Push Jerk; 10 Cal, 40 Kettlebell Snatch

📸 danielarphoto
Skills WOD: Strict Ring Muscle Up, Strict HandStand Push Up, College Boy Roll Over

Monday 27 Sep - WOD - 5 rounds - 5 Burpee Toes To Bar, 5 HandStand Push Up, 10 Box Step Up

 Thank you Daniela for the pics, they are amazing!
📸 danielarphoto

         Strength - 3 RM Deadlift 

Sunday 26 Sep - Rest day

CFD is closed again today for the Level 1 Course. 

 Have a rest day or you can meet us at Parap Pool at 1:30pm for a swim.

Saturday 25 Sep - Outdoor WOD

Pic by danielarphoto
Outdoor WOD today because CFHQ are hosting a L1 Trainers Course at CFD.
8:30am and 4pm at Lake Alexander (meet at the carpark near Mangrove Boardwalk).
Please bring sun protection, mosquito repellent and water.
The WOD will be revealed when you get there.

Thursday 23 Sep - Partner WOD: 10 min AMRAP - 250m Row, Sit Ups, 10 min AMRAP - 10 cal AirBike, Knees to Elbows, 10 min AMRAP - 200m Run, Box Jumps

Tessa and CFD ladies at her wedding night.
Best wishes on this wonderful journey!

Wednesday 22 Sep - Every 2 mins for 2 rounds - 10 box step up, max ring dips. 1min rest. Every 2 mins for 2 rounds - 10 box step up, max push up. 1 min rest. Every 2 mins for 2 rounds - 10 box step up, max V-sit

Skills WOD - 3 rounds, min 1 - 1 rope climb, min 2 - 10 pistol squat, min 3 - 5 handstand push up, min 4 - 5 strict toes to bar, min 5 - max triple unders, min 6 - rest

Sunday 19 Sep - 10-11am - Open Gym and WOD

WOD - In 38 Mins - 5 Rnds - 5 Roll Up Burpee, 10 Burpee Box Jump, 15/10cal Row. 2 Min Rest. 5 Rnds - 30sec HandStand Hold, 30sec Wall Squat Hold, 30sec Hollow Hold. 2 Min Rest. In any time remaining AMRAP- 10 Alternating Knee to Chest from L-Sit, 8cal Bike or Ski, 4 Wall Climb 

Friday 17 Sep - 10 Rnds - 3 MuscleUp, 6 Squat Snatch

The goals and PB board is ready for your submissions!
Strength - Squat Snatch

Monday 13 Sep - ‘Christine’ - 3 Rnds - 500m Row, 12 b/w DeadLift, 21 Box Jump

Gymnastics WOD - 10 Min AMRAP - 3 Weighted PullUp, 5 Strict PullUp, 7 Kipping PullUp

Sunday 12 Sep - Open Gym and WOD 10-11am

WOD - In 12 Mins - 1.6K Run then AMRAP- 10 MedBall Clean, 5 Burpee. 2 Min Rest. In 12 Mins - 2K/1.8K Row then AMRAP- 10 Plate Ground To OverHead, 5 Burpee onto Plate. 2 Min Rest. In 12 Mins - 120/80cals Ski Erg or AirBike then AMRAP- 10 SlamBall, 5 Burpee Over Ball

Sunday 5 Sep - Open Gym and WOD 10-11am

WOD - 10 Rnds - 10 Cal Row, 200m Run, 100m Backwards Run, 100m Run, 10 Cal Ski or Bike.