Tuesday 1 March - WOD: 3 Rounds - Every 3 Mins: 400m Run; 3 Rounds - Every 3 Mins: 500/400m Row; 3 Rounds - Every 3 Mins: 80 Double Unders; Then For Time: 400m Run, 500/400m Row, 80 Double Unders

Well done to everyone who did the first Open Workout 22.1. Watching all of you working so hard was just incredible, great job!!!

Sunday 27 Feb - 10 - 11 am Open Gym and WOD

WOD: 6 Rounds - 10 Cal Row, 10 Cal Bike or Ski, 10 Plate G2OH, 10 Russian Twist, 10m Bear Crawl, 10m Lunge Walk, 200m Run

Saturday 26 Feb - WOD: 4 Rounds - 1 Min Atomic SitUp, 1 Min Cals, 1 Min Kettlebell Swing, 1 Min Jumping Squat, 1 Min Push Ups, 1 Min Pull Ups, 1 Min Sledge Hits, 2 Min Rest

There will be another coach during the 8:30am class to babysit your kids, bring them along with you!

Friday 25 Feb - WOD: Up Ladder - 1 Wall Climb, 10 Double Unders

Strength: 3 - 3 - 3 DeadLift

Tuesday 22 Feb - WOD: 10 - 8 - 6 - 4 - 2 Chest To Bar PullUp, Pistol Squat, HandStand Push Up, V-Sit

Strength: 1 RM Turkish Get Up
Skills WOD: AMRAP - 3 Ring Muscle Up, 7m HandStand Walk

Monday 21 Feb - WOD: AMRAP - 8 Burpee Box Jump Over, 8 Box Step Up

Strength: 3 RM Press, 2 RM Push Press, 1 RM Split Jerk

Sunday 20 Feb - Rest Day

CFD is closed today due to a NT Weightlifting Coaching Seminar being held here.
Thank you for your understanding and see you all on Monday!

Saturday 19 Feb - WOD: 21 - 15 - 9 DB Push Press, DB Squat; 21 - 15 - 9 Slam Ball, Burpee Over Slam Ball; 21 - 15 - 9 Cal, Box Jump Over; 21 - 15 - 9 Knees To Elbows, Push Ups

Today's session: 5pm
This weekend there will only be 1 class held at CFD due to a NT Weightlifting Coaching Seminar being held here.

Wednesday 16 Feb - WOD: 2 Rounds - 200m Farmers Carry, 30 Burpees

Strength: 3RM Bench Press

Monday 14 Feb - WOD: "Cindy" 5 Pull Up, 10 Push Up, 15 Squat

Skills WOD:
Up Ladder - Toes To Bar
Up Ladder - HandStand Push Up
Up Ladder - Pistol Squat

Sunday 13 Feb - 10 - 11 Open Gym and WOD

WOD: 50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10 Squat, Cals, Push Up, Sit Up;
In Any Time Remaining - AMRAP: 4 Box Jump Over, 2 Strict Pull Up

Sunday 6 Feb - 10 - 11am Open Gym and WOD

WOD: 3 Rounds: In 5 mins - 400m Run, Max Cals; In 5 mins - 400m, Max Burpees

Friday 4 Feb - WOD: 1 RM Sumo DeadLift

Skills WOD: AMRAP - 1 Rope Climb, 10m HandStand Walk, Max Set of Toes To Bar

Wednesday 2 Feb - WOD: 600m Run, 60 KB Swing, 400m Run, 40 Box Step Up, 200m Run, 20 DeadBall Squat Clean

Core WOD: 2 Rounds - Hollow Hold, Atomic Sit Up, L-Sit, V-Sit