Sunday 28 Aug - 10 - 11 Open Gym & WOD

WOD: 1 Wall Climb, 5 DeadBall Squat Clean, 10 Cal Bike or Ski, 20 Sit Ups, 30 Double Unders

Saturday 27 Aug - WOD: 'Small' 3 Rounds - 1K Row, 50 Burpee, 50 Box Jump, 800m Run

No child minding today. Apologies for any inconvenience!

Tuesday 23 Aug - WOD: 3 Rounds - Box Step Up, HandStand Push Up, Dumbbell Snatch, Pistol Squat

Strength - 6 Step Barbell OverHead Walking Lunge

Monday 22 Aug - WOD: 800m Run, 30 Toes To Bar

Strength: 3RM Press, 2RM Push Press, 1RM Push Jerk

Sunday 21 Aug - 10 - 11am Open Gym & WOD

WOD: AMRAP - 7 Burpee Box Jump, 7 Devils Press, 7 Cals

Wednesday 17 Aug - WOD: Up Ladder - Bench Press, Strict Pull Up

Strength: 3RM Bench press, 2RM Pull Up

Sunday 14 Aug - 10 - 11am Open Gym & WOD

WOD: 30 KettleBell Swing, 20 Burpee Box Jump, 10 DeadBall Over Shoulder, 400m Run, 20 Cal, 50 Double Under, 30 Dumbbell Snatch, 20 Toes to bar, 10 DeadBall Over Shoulder, 400m Run, 20 Cal, 50 Double Under, 30 Wall Ball, 20 Ring Row, 10 DeadBall Over Shoulder, 400m Run, 20 Cal, 50 Double Under

Saturday 13 Aug - HERO WOD: 'Zachery Tellier' - Burpees, Push Ups, Sit Ups, Lunges, Squats

No need to bring a ball, that workout has been postponed. 

Friday 12 Aug - WOD: AMRAP - 20 Double Under, 10 Pull Up, 5 Cluster

Strength - Barbell Front or Back Rack Box Step Up

Sunday 7 Aug - 10 - 11am Open Gym & WOD

WOD: AMRAP - 15 Cal Row, 60 Flutter Kicks, 15 Cal Bike or Ski, 30 Medball Side Twist

Friday 5 Aug - WOD: 10 - 1 Kettlebell Swing, Burpee; 10 - 1 Dumbbell Snatch, Box Jump

Congratulations to Rosalind and Stacey for a massive effort in AllStarts Online Pair 2022 qualifiers.
CFD is very proud of you ★

Tuesday 2 Aug - WOD: 'Elizabeth' 21 - 15 - 9 Squat Clean, Ring Dip

Strength - 5RM Strict Press