Tuesday 27 Sep - WOD: Min 1 - 10 Bench Hops, Max Hollow Rock; Min 2 - Rest

Strength: 1RM Behind Neck Split or Push Jerk
Skills WOD

Sunday 25 Sep - 10 - 11am Open Gym & WOD

WOD: Cash In; 12/10 Cal Row, 8 Reverse Burpees, 2 Wall Climb; 12/10 Cal Bike or Ski, 8 Burpees to Target, 2 Rope Climb; Cash Out

Thursday 22 Sep - WOD: 400m Run, 25/20 Cal, 50 Lunge Steps. In Any Time Remaining - Double Unders

Public Holiday today - 5:30am, 8:30am & 4pm sessions

Tuesday 20 Sep - WOD: AMRAP - 5 Dumbbell DeadLift, 4 Dumbbell Hang Squat Clean, 3 Dumbbell Push Jerk

Strength #1: 7RM Back Squat
Strength #2: Dumbbell Complex (DeadLift, Hang Squat Clean, Push Jerk)

Sunday 18 Sep - 10 - 11am Open Gym & WOD

WOD: 30 - 20 - 10 - 20 - 30 MedBall Clean, Cals, Box Step Up, Push Up

Friday 16 Sep - WOD: Devils Press

Up Side Down Practice + Skills WOD

Monday 12 Sep - WOD: 5 Rounds - 7 Toes to Bar, 14 Wall Ball; 3 Rounds - 14 V-Sit, 7 Cluster

Strength: 1 Thruster, 1 Hang Clean Thruster

Sunday 11 Sep - 10 - 11am Open Gym & WOD; 11am - 1pm Talk2mebro X CrossFit Darwin - Free Workshop

WOD: 6 Box Jump Over, 12 Dumbbell Clean & Jerk, 24 Double Unders

Saturday 10 Sep - WOD: 400m Medball Carry, 40 Wall Ball, 400m Suitcase Carry, 40 KB Swing, 400m Slam Ball OverHead Carry, 40 SlamBall

This is a FREE event !
Location: Crossfit Darwin
When: 11th September (Sunday)
Time: 11am - 1pm
Join us at CrossFit Darwin for a workshop tomorrow morning.
We will discuss tips and tricks on how to look after a friend/family member that may be suicidal, how to look after ourselves if we are struggling, delve into the power of the breath and finish with some ice baths.
P.S.: Secure your spot by registering yourself through the link above.

Sunday 4 Sep - 10 - 11am Open Gym & WOD

WOD: 7 Rounds - Cals, 7 Rounds - Wall Balls, 7 Rounds - Burpees, 7 Rounds - Sit Ups

Friday 2 Sep - WOD: 10 - 8 - 6 - 4 - 2 Power Snatch, 20 - 16 - 12 - 8 - 4 Toes To Bar

Strength Complex: 1 Snatch, 1 Snatch Balance