Wednesday 31 May - WOD: 5 RM Back Squat


Sunday 28 May - 10 - 11am Open Gym & WOD

WOD: Kettlebell Swing, Lunge Step, Dumbbell Snatch, Squat, Medball Clean, Push Up, Slam Ball, Pull Up or Ring Row, 

Friday 26 May - WOD: 27 - 21 - 15 - 9 DeadLift, Wall Ball

Strength: 2RM Push Press

Wednesday 24 May - WOD: AMRAP - 14 Box Step Up, 7 Devils Press

Strength Complex: Dumbbell Power Clean, Dumbbell Squat Clean, Dumbbell Thruster
Skills WOD

Monday 22 May - WOD: 30 Double Under, 7 Toes to Bar, 7/5 Push Up

Strength: 4RM Front Squat

Sunday 21 May - 10 - 11am Open Gym & WOD

WOD: Cals, Thruster, Push Up, Sit Up, Double Under 

Sunday 14 May - 10 - 11am Open Gym & WOD

WOD: Lunge Step, Wall Climb, Cals, Kettlebell Swing, Dumbbell Push Press

Tuesday 9 May - WOD: 10 Rounds - 10 Sit Up, 10 Cross Over, 10 Push ups

Strength:3RM Hand Release Push Up

Sunday 7 May - 10 - 11am Open Gym & WOD

WOD: Burpee Box Jump, Double Under, Row

Friday 5 May - WOD: 'Tonnage WOD' - Squat Snatch, Clean & Jerk, DeadLift

Today it’s CFD’s 13th birthday. We wanted to say a big thank you to everyone who has made the thirteen years so special here at CrossFit Darwin. The gym wouldn’t be what it is without your love and support!

Wednesday 3 May - WOD: 21 - 15 - 9 Grips Don’t Lie

Strength: 2RM Strict Press