Friday 1 December - WOD: Suitcase Carry, Kettlebell Swing, Goblet Squat

Skills WOD
Strength: 3RM Squat Snatch

Sunday 26 November - NTWA End of Year Competition

We’re hosting the final competition of the year for the Northern Territory Weightlifting Association (NTWA) this Sunday the 26th, kicking off at 9:30am.
That means unfortunately we won’t be doing a morning WOD.
Everyone is welcome to come watch!

Friday 24 November - WOD: Dumbbell Thruster, Burpee Over Dumbbell

Skills WOD
Strength: 7RM Dumbbell Push Press

Wednesday 22 November - WOD: Push Up, Squat, Pull Up, Sit Up

Strength: 7RM Back Squat

Tuesday 21 November - WOD: 10 Power Snatch, 10 OverHead Squat

Strength: 5RM Dumbbell Bench Press

Sunday 19 November - 10 - 11am Open Gym & WOD

WOD: Wall Ball, Wall Climb, Cal Ski or Bike, DeadBall Over Shoulder, Cal Row, Dumbbell Power Clean & Push Jerk

Friday 17 November - WOD: Strict Press, Double Under

Upbeat Skills WOD

Monday 13 November - WOD: Squat Clean and Jerk, Ring Dip

Strength: 1 Squat Clean, 1 Hang Squat Clean, 1 Jerk

Sunday 12 November - 10 - 11am Open Gym & WOD

WOD: Pull Up, Lunge/Lunge/Squat, V-Sit, Toes Thru Rings, Box Jump, Atomic Sit Up 

Friday 10 November - WOD: 'Workout like it's 1939'

Strength: 4RM Front Squat

Tuesday 7 November - WOD: Power Snatch, Pull Up

Strength: 1 Power Snatch, 1 Squat Snatch

Sunday 5 November - 10 - 11am Open Gym & WOD

WOD: Strict Pull Up, Strict Toes to Bar, Hand Release Push Up, Jumping Squat,...

Thursday 2 November - WOD: Wall Ball, DeadLift

Strength: 1RM DeadLift