Sunday 30 June - 10am Open Gym & WOD

WOD: Kettlebell Swing, Cals, Goblet Squat,…

Tuesday 25 June - WOD: HandStand Push Up, Pull Up, Front Squat

Strength: Snatch Complex - 1 Squat Snatch, 1 Hang Squat Snatch, 1 OverHead Squat

Sunday 23 June - 10am Open Gym & WOD

WOD: Cal Bike, Push Up, Box Jump, Atomic Sit Up

Friday 21 June - WOD: Wall Climb, Rope Climb, ...

Strength: 5RM Push Press

Wednesday 19 June - Strength WOD: 5RM DeadLift

WOD Finisher: Plate Carry, Plate Side Twist

Tuesday 18 June - WOD: Toes To Bar, Pull Up, Chest To Bar, Run

Strength: 4RM Front Rack Reverse Lunge Step

Monday 17 June - Hero WOD: ‘Vidal’

Strength: 1RM Pull Up, 1RM Ring Dip

Sunday 16 June - 10am Open Gym & WOD

WOD: Row, Lunge Step, Sit Up, Squat, Ring Row, Push Up

Saturday 15 June - WOD: Run, Toes To Bar, Row, Pull Up, Bike, Jumping Squat

8:30am Child Minding
10am CFD Kids Class

Friday 14 June - WOD: 'Randy'

Skills WOD
Strength: 1RM Power Snatch, 1RM Hang Power Snatch

Sunday 9 June - 10am Open Gym & WOD

WOD: Cal Row, Hang Power Clean, Cal Ski, Double Under, Cal Bike

Saturday 8 June - WOD: Wall Ball, Atomic Sit Up, Kettlebell Swing, Push Up

8:30am Child Minding
10am CFD Kids Class

Monday 3 June - WOD: CrossFit Total

We are hosting a CrossFit Level 2 Certificate Course on September 7th - 8th, 2024 in Darwin, Australia!
Sign up at CrossFit
Also, CrossFit has partnered with Klarna to offer options to buy now and pay later for the Level 2 course.

Sunday 2 June - 10am Open Gym & WOD

WOD: Lunge Step, Kettlebell Swing, Double Unders, Sit Up, Dumbbell Hang Clean & Jerk, Press