Sunday 1 September - 10am Open Gym & WOD

WOD: Lunge, Cals, Bench Press

Saturday 31 August - WOD: Kettlebell DeadLift, Cals, Dumbbell Push Jerk, Wall Climb

8:30am Child Minding
10am CFD Kids Class - all ages

Friday 30 August - WOD: Lunge Step, DeadBall Onto Box

Strength: 5RM Dumbbell Bench Press

Sunday 25 August - 10am Open Gym & WOD

WOD: Cal, Push Up, Pull Up, Sit Up, Squat

Saturday 24 August - WOD: Box Step Up, Row, Dumbbell Snatch

8:30am Child Minding
10am  CFD Kids Class (all ages)

Friday 23 August - WOD: 'Elizabeth' Squat Clean, Ring Dip

Strength: 1RM Clean & Jerk

Wednesday 21 August - WOD: Toes To Bar, Box Jump Over, Goblet Squat, Push Up

Strength: 1RM Power Snatch & 1RM Hang Power Snatch

Tuesday 20 August - WOD: DeadLift, Burpee Over Bar

What a massive effort this past weekend!
Some of our CFD members were competing at The ButterFly Effect Competition and some went to a team triathlon at Lake Alexander.
We couldn’t be prouder of you, showing up and crushing it!
Congratulations to all and thanks to those who came and supported their friends from CrossFit Darwin. That's what this community is all about!

Sunday 18 August - 4pm Open Gym & WOD

Our amazing CFD girls will be competing at
If you are in Darwin, come down to ARC Fitness in Yarrawonga and cheer them on!
We have 4 teams: Xfit Mums, The Trouble Unders, Kipping It Real and CrossFit Darwin.
First Heat starts at 8:45am. We can’t wait to see everyone together tomorrow!
Because of the competition we decided to run Open Gym & WOD from 4pm in the afternoon.
WOD: Run, Cal Row, Reach Ground to OverHead, Side Twist

Monday 12 August - WOD: 'Fight Gone Bad'

Strength: 5RM Press

Sunday 11 August - 10am Open Gym and WOD

WOD: Double Under, Squat, Sit Up, Cal Row, Dumbbell Thruster, Cal Bike, Ring Row..

Wednesday 7 August - WOD: Thruster, Pull Up

Strength: 1RM Turkish Get Up 

Tuesday 6 August - WOD: DeadBall Carry, Wall Climb, Hang Squat Snatch

Strength: 1 Power Snatch, 1 Hang Squat Snatch, 3 OverHead Squat

Sunday 4 August - 10am Open Gym & WOD

WOD: Kettlebell Swing, Goblet Squat, Dumbbell Snatch, Lunge Step, Plate OverHead Sit Up, Burpee Onto Plate, Cals

Saturday 3 August - WOD: Box Step Up, Wall Ball, Cal Air Bike, Cal Row, Burpee Pull Up, Burpee Toes To Bar

8:30am Child Minding 
10am CFD Kids Class - Little Ones
10:30am CFD Kids Class - Big Ones

Friday 2 August - WOD: OverHead Squat, Burpee Over Bar

Strength Complex: 1 Clean, 1 Jerk, 1 Back Squat, 1 Behind Neck Jerk, 1 OverHead Squat