Friday 1 November - WOD: 'Push & Pull Up'

Strength: 3RM Bench Press

Friday 25 October - WOD: Kettlebell Front Rack Lunge, Run

Strength: 1RM Strict Press, 2RM Push Press, 3RM Push Jerk

Sunday 20 October - 10am Open Gym & WOD

WOD: Kettlebell Swing, Cals Row, Squat, Bench Hop, Side Twist, Cals Bike or Ski

Wednesday 16 October - WOD: Toes To Bar, Box Step Over

Strength: 3RM Back Squat

Sunday 13 October - 10am Open Gym & WOD

WOD: Ring Row, Double Under, Box Step Up, Row

Monday 7 October - WOD: Shoulder to OverHead, Pull Up

Strength: 4RM Front Rack Lunge Step

Sunday 6 October - 10am Open Gym & WOD

WOD: Kettlebell Squat Clean, Cals, Toes Thru Rings, Shuttle Run

Saturday 5 October - WOD: 'Choose Your Own Adventure....Choose Wisely'

8:30am Child Minding
10am CFD Kids Class

Friday 4 October - WOD: Dumbbell Hang Squat Clean, Dumbbell Press, V-Sit

Strength: 1RM Hang Squat Clean